White papers and educational materials
We offer White Papers and the creation of presentation and educational materials, to include Continuing Education Unit (CEU) courses where needed. We support the generation of educational materials, presentations, and virtual video productions.
Ai, Machine Learning, and Pipeline Corrosion, Rebecca A. Bickham MP Magazine (AMPP)
The Future of Machine Learning on Corrosion How One Team is Automating the Industry: From Pipeline Corrosion and Beyond Rebecca A. Bickham Machine learning is something you encounter daily whether you realize it or not. From smart phones, apps, Siri and Alexa, online advertisements, and selfdriving cars, you potentially encounter artificial intelligence (AI) thousands of times per day. But did you ever consider how machine learning could influence the corrosion industry? Joseph Mazzella and Tom Hayden of Engineering Director, Inc. (EDI) (Evanston, Illinois, USA) are doing just that.
“EDI is a consulting firm specializing in developing, implementing, measuring, and administrating lean business processes and strategies, through the effective use of information technology, AI, and geographical information systems [GIS],” says Mazzella, who is CEO of the company. “We have a keen focus on the corrosion industry.”
Machine Learning, Pipeline Corrosion
“This technology will revolutionize the corrosion inspection industry by augmenting manual inspections or replacing them altogether, allowing more frequent automated scans.”
AIA CEU Course ‘WBC1LU_HSW' - Lean Integrated Project Delivery - Paul Becks
Description: This one-hour course provides insights and applications of Lean philosophies that impact contracts, collaboration, safety, productivity, and elimination of waste. The Akron Children’s Hospital project case-study is included and demonstrative of successful implementation; with a consistent focus on welfare and satisfaction of patients and their families. The Video is free to watch; there is a nominal charge of $30.00 to take the corresponding test and receive AIA CEU Credit online.
AIA CEU Learning module and video production by Engineering Director, Inc.
Machine Learning, Pipeline Corrosion
The Video is free to watch; there is a nominal charge of $30.00 to take the corresponding test and receive AIA CEU Credit online.
A Method for Extrapolating ISO9223 Response Functions
Estimating corrosion growth rate is a non-linear, multi-dimensional (space and time) challenge. Aboveground outdoor assets are affected by natural atmospheric factors such as climate, salinity and human contributions such as pollution. International Standard ISO9223 provides guidance, including response functions and a classification schema (C1 thru C5 and X) for estimating corrosion risk as a function of three variables: weather (temperature and humidity), dry deposition of sulfides, and dry deposition of chlorides.

ISO 9223 Wall Map
Download a high resolution copy of the ISO 9223 C1-C5x Wall Map. Take map to most printers and request wall map be made.
We have found that Vista Print does a good job on these maps. We typically use laminated posters in 11 x 17 or 16 x 20 as size options. Maps can typically be printed to a size of 36 x 48. Please note that the printed map resolution may decrease with image size.